Nüart Gallery presents “Immersive Fields," an exhibition featuring new work by Willy Bo Richardson and Lloyd Martin. 


Immersive Fields brings together the work of Willy Bo Richardson and Lloyd Martin, who are both exploring the structural bounds of abstraction through their notably singular approaches to composition. Between Richardson's pulsating vertical strokes and Martin's meticulously constructed grids and stripes is an immersive field of cadenced pattern and tonal curiosity. Aligning out of this intersection of form is a space of contemplation in motion where reverie and vitality converge. 


Willy Bo Richardson's abstract paintings are a visual testament to the power of consistency and the potential of quietude. With a dynamic interplay of color and movement, Richardson's paintings are a reflection of his commitment to exploring the expressive potential of abstraction. Guided by brushwork, non-brushwork, and the materiality of paint, Richardson's paintings are a response to the world around him, capturing the essence and intricacies of the natural world into evocations of color. Creating an energy that is both contained and spirited, his use of vertical strokes creates an undercurrent of movement and vitality that pulses through each piece, drawing the viewer into a meditative state of contemplation. In his singular explorations of the boundary between structure and creativity, Richardson offers a space for freedom and uninterrupted peace within the beauty of the moment. In this way, his work becomes not just an expression of his artistic vision, but a source of solace and inspiration for those who engage with it.

Lloyd Martin is an artist whose work delves deeply into the notion of staged "painting events," inspired by his observations of the built environment and interventions of the natural world. His paintings are meticulously constructed, with rhythmic patterns and abstract forms that create an immersive, sensuous quality. Martin's paintings are carefully laid out on a grid, with strategically positioned stripes and boundaries that create arenas where undisturbed activity can unfold. This creates a continuum of color the viewer can move through, encountering new sensations and revelations. In absorbing the details of these paintings, complimentary variations of shape and color will emerge, creating paintings within paintings. This process of exploration is an essential part of Martin's work, as it allows viewers to engage with the painting on a more personal level, discovering new elements with each viewing. Ultimately, Martin's work is an eloquent expression of his engagement with abstraction, one that explores the architectural framework and structure that provides weight to his flights of vibrant color.