(SANTA FE, NM) — Nüart Gallery is pleased to present “Surface Patterns” a solo exhibition of new work by Julian Brown, running from March 21st through April 6th, 2025, with an opening reception on Friday, March 21st , from 5:00 - 7:00 pm.


Julian Brown’s paintings feature a series of abstract paintings that explore the interplay between personal history, cultural influences, and the spontaneity of the creative process.

Brown's work is deeply shaped by his upbringing in rural Dorset, England, during the 1980s, where cultural influences were scarce. His mother, an artist with Polish roots, exposed him to Polish folk art, including “Wycinanki” cut-outs, which remain an enduring influence in his artistic vocabulary. Brown's paintings often evoke his mother's Polish heritage, with motifs like boats, crescent moons, and ornaments emerging as symbolic relics washed up from the past.

Brown’s paintings are characterized by intricate layers that uncover hidden complexities, with translucent veils of paint revealing historical marks, gestures, and patterns beneath the surface. His meticulous technique of layering polymer medium glazes allows these veils to conceal and reveal fragments of past creations, adding depth and meaning to the work. As the paintings evolve, recurring motifs such as boats and crescent moons emerge from subconscious memories and cultural relics, bringing new dimensions to the compositions.

"My work is about the tension between order and chaos, structure and collapse," says Brown. "The process is constantly evolving, where control gradually gives way to spontaneity and rhythm. This balance between method and chance informs every piece I create."